Yes, You Can Run a Business and Still Have a Life! Here’s How

When you work for someone else, your responsibility is to do a few of the tasks needed to keep a business running. When it’s your business … you do everything. All the time. At least at first.

Lots of new business owners work around the clock. They neglect their health, families, and friends. These can be pretty dark times. Exciting! Yet dark.

I’ve been there. When you first strike out on your own, it’s exhilarating. You control your time! You no longer answer to a boss! You can work from anywhere! You’re no longer limited to two weeks of vacation!

But this also means you work a lot harder. You invested all this time and money into an idea and you’ll do everything you can to see that investment pay off. So what’s another 60-hour week? What’s another vacation where you’re always on your laptop?

It doesn’t have to be this way, but it usually starts out this way. After some trial and error, I’ve found a way to run Gen Y Planning that allows me to have a life outside of work. Yes, you can be an entrepreneur who goes to the gym three times a week. You can work from home and still find time to leave the house every day. You can make time to meet with clients and make time for your family and friends, too.

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